Instrument and Equipment Aspects
Correlation with Respondents
In a quantitative approach it is necessary to measure short-term or long-term, distance from what was studied, assess as a full researcher of what was studied, and dominance of researchers. They confronted the person researcher and investigated the object with various practices, rules and norms.
In a qualitative approach an equal and unlimited relationship is needed or distinguishes between the investigator and the investigator. Relationships are empathetic, equilitarian, intensive contact, in-depth interviews, and so on. Those who are researching must sink or equal to the study.
In the qualitative approach the direction and focus of a research is to build theories from data or facts, develop synthesis of interactions and theories that are built from basic facts (grounded) develop understanding, and so on.
In the quantitative approach equipment is needed such as questionnaires, inventory, computers, indexes, measurement of formulas, and so on. Clearly they applied the application of formula and certainty techniques. A qualitative approach requires equipment such as a tape recorder, and audiovisual. They assume "The researcher is often the only instrument".
Aspects of Approach to Population
In the quantitative approach rechecking is used in the form of control, validity, reification, and obtrusiveness. They use clear control by repeating the process towards the truth of the research objective. In the qualitative approach time consuming, data reduction, and reliability are used.
Design Aspects
In a quantitative approach, they want a structured, organized, ordered, systematic chart design. "Design is a detailed plan of operation".
Field Data Mining Aspects
In the quantitative approach, data mining is done through quantitative coding, calculation, measurement and statistics. All of them are applied to the general standard and measured by the standard, to prove the evidence is accepted or rejected.
In a qualitative approach, data mining is carried out through descriptions of objects and situations, personal documentation, field notes, photographs, popular terms, official documentation, and so on. There are no valid benchmarks from researchers, all processes are considered valid as long as they occur truly (empirically) and new benchmarks are held after all events have occurred.
Sampling Aspects
In a quantitative approach, the number of samples must be clearly selected, in a random, structured way, which is the experimental group and which is the control group. The sample must represent the population (representative). In a qualitative approach, the number of samples does not need to be large, but purposiveness, which can take the form of a snowball system, content analysis, historiography, and biographical evidence.
Data Analysis Aspects
The quantitative approach uses the conclusion of data analysis based on deduction, the conclusion of a collection of data, finally calculated through statistical calculations. Quantitative data analysis forms boundaries that are accepted or rejected by existing theories. A qualitative approach uses the inference of concepts, inductive, models, thematic, and so on. Qualitative data analysis can form theories and values that are considered valid in a place.
Data Legality Aspect
The quantitative approach uses controls in the form of statistical tools, measurements, and results that are relevant to the applicable formula. The qualitative approach uses controls in the form of negative evidence, triangulation, credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability.