The Sources of World Trade Law that have been codified are:
Civil Code (Civil Code)
The Civil Code is divided into 4 (four) books / books, namely Book I regulates People (van Personen), Book II regulates Objects (van Zaken), Book III regulates Engagement (van Verbintenissen), and Book IV regulates Proof and Expired (van Bewijs en Verjaring). Part of the Civil Code governing Commercial Law is Book III and a small portion of Book II.
Book of Commercial Law (KUHD),
KUHD is divided into 2 (two) books / books and 23 (twenty three) chapters. Book I consists of 10 (ten) chapters and Book II consists of 13 (thirteen) chapters. The main contents of the Criminal Code are as follows:
Book I about General Trade:
Chapter I: Articles 2, 3, 4, and 5 are abolished.
Chapter II: About holding books (Article 6 no longer applies).
Chapter III: About several types of companies.
Chapter IV: About the trading market, broker, and cashier.
Chapter V: About the commissioners, expeditors, transporters, and about boat masters who cross rivers and inland waters.
Chapter VI: About promissory notes and order letters.
Chapter VII: Concerning checks, promissory notes, and receipts to carriers (aan toonder).
Chapter VIII: Regarding billboards or re-prosecution in the event of bankruptcy.
Chapter IX: About insurance and general coverage.
Chapter X: Regarding the insurance against fire, the dangers that threaten agricultural products that have not been met, and life insurance.
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Legal Accounts Payable
Article 1320 Civil Code
An agreement is declared valid, if it fulfills 4 (four) conditions as regulated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code, which is as follows:
Their agreement is binding.
The ability to make an engagement.
A certain thing
A halal cause (halal causa).
Law Number 10 of 1998
The use of the term credit is also regulated in Law No. 10 of 1998 concerning changes to Law No. 7 of 1992 concerning banking, which in article 1 number 11 states that: "Credit is the provision of money or bills that can be equivalent, based on an agreement or loan agreement between the bank and another party that requires the borrower to pay off the debt after the period of time certain by giving flowers "
Article 224 Hezien Inlandsch Reglement
According to grosse, the Debt Recognition Deed is a copy of a Notariil debt acknowledgment deed given to the parties concerned. If the deed grosse fulfills the provisions / conditions as regulated in article 224 of the HIR, the deed grosse has an external force as well as a judge's decision that has permanent legal force.
However, if the Grosse deed does not meet the provisions or conditions as regulated in article 224 of the HIR, then the Grosse deed is flawed, the juridical deed does not have an executorial power so that if the debtor defaults or is negligent of his obligations, then the bank must submit a civil claim through the court.
Article 1820 Civil Code
The debt protection agreement is regulated in Article 1820-1850 of the Civil Code. What is meant by the guarantee is: "An agreement in which a third party, in the interest of the creditor, binds himself to fulfill the debtor's engagement, if the debtor does not fulfill his agreement" (Article 1820 Civil Code)
Article 1381 Civil Code
The article states that there are 8 ways to delete an agreement, namely:
Payment offer followed by deposit.
Debt renewal (innovation)
Debt encounter (compensation)
Mixed debt.
Debt relief.
Out of date
Article 1316 Civil Code
An individual guarantee is a guarantee for the fulfillment of the obligations of the debtor, which is guaranteed to be fulfilled in whole or until a certain part, the property of the guarantor (the guarantor) can be confiscated and auctioned according to the provisions regarding the execution of the court's decision.